Forgotten Insurgency
Hidden away in Southeast Asia the people of Burma participate in an over 50 year old insurgency against the Military Dictatorship of Burma. While events throughout the world demands our attention, events in Burma have seemed to fade away into obscurity, despite the presence of an insurgent Army fighting a gruella war, and the presence of organized groups of humanitarians, one called the Free Burma Rangers.
The Free Burma Rangers (FBR) is a multi-ethnic humanitarian service movement. They bring help, hope and love to people in the war zones of Burma. Ethnic pro-democracy groups send teams to FBR to be trained, supplied and sent into the areas under attack to provide emergency medical care, shelter, food, clothing and human rights documentation. The teams also operate a communication and information network inside Burma that provides real time information from areas under attack
The below FBR Report was issued today and gives a report on the death of one of the Team Members. For additional information on the activities of the Free Burma Rangers check their link.

Neh Reh was trained by FBR in 2006 as a video camera man and later also received medical training. He died while serving his people in the front lines of Karenni State, Burma. We love him and will miss him, and pray for his family and his team. At the same time, we are inspired by his life; we trust that God holds all things most precious in His eternal hands, and believe that Neh Reh's sacrifice, and the love he showed his people, is not in vain. Please pray with us, for Neh Reh, his family, and his team - and for all of us, that we might be led by the same love that conquers fear, and that is eternal. We extend our love and sorrow to Neh Reh's family and to the KNPP and are grateful for the honor that we had in knowing and working with him.
Neh Reh gave his life for freedom and for love.
We are reminded of Jesus' words, "Greater love has no man than this that he lay down his life for his friends."
May God bless you all,
David Eubank
The Free Burma Rangers
The Free Burma Rangers’ (FBR) mission is to provide hope, help and love to internally displaced people inside Burma, regardless of ethnicity or religion. Using a network of indigenous field teams, FBR reports on human rights abuses, casualties and the humanitarian needs of people who are under the oppression of the Burma Army. FBR provides medical, spiritual and educational resources for IDP communities as they struggle to survive Burmese military attacks. For more information, please visit |
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